OpenCritic – 80
Metacritic – NA
IGN – 4.8
Besides the fact that there’s absolutely no evolution involved in it, Jurassic World: Evolution is a bad game because it’s just a bore of a park sim. Sure, the dinosaurs look nice enough, but the process of unlocking new species is beyond tedious and actually running the business is shallow and quickly gets stale. It beats getting mauled by raptors, but after careful consideration, I’ve decided not to endorse this park.
PCGamer – 71
Gamesradar – 4/5
Polygon – Positive
Jurassic World Evolution asks you to fail as a dinosaur keeper, but it lets you return to the task without consequence. You’ll be John Hammond the first few times through, watching control slip through your fingers as “life finds a way” to reclaim all you’ve worked so hard to build. But with practice and patience, you can build and maintain the park that the movies show in the first hour.
PCGamesN – 8
If anything I took on the role of a benevolent eccentric, building a park and bringing long-dead creatures back to life for my own pleasure and fascination, not to gouge the wallets of the people drawn to the creatures I was so captured by. Basically, what I’m getting at is that Jurassic World Evolution made me into John Hammond.
A IGN é muito chata
13 reviews no Metacritic e a àºnica negativa é a da bonitona aà
Eu queria a edià§ão fàsica, vou aguardar até màªs que vem pra ver se sai por aqui…
@hugo_hot: Ainda me lembro da IGN chamando o alien isolation de “horràvel” um tempo atrás, os reviews da mesma são bem toscos, nem me importo de ler mais dps de ja ter lido tanta asneira deles
das 5, apenas a ign divergiu com nota negativa e com grande diferenca em relacao as outras
Até agora está tendo boas notas, me deixou mais animado pra jogá-lo