A PlayStation anunciou que um traje e emote de zumbi chegam em 29 de outubro para Sackboy: Uma Grande Aventura no PS4 e PS5.
Caso tenha perdido, também tivemos skins de Ellie, Abby (The Last of Us Part 2), Sacknana, Selene (Returnal), Ratchet, Rivet, Clank (Ratchet and Clank: Em Uma Outra Dimensão), Ultimo Barricado e Tw!nkleR10t (Destruction AllStars).
Todos os trajes lançados têm sido gratuitos.
Sackboy's counting down the days to Halloween because he can't wait to show Vex that he isn't as scary-looking as he thinks!
This FREE Zombie Costume and Emote is sure to give your friends a spook too and will be available on the PlayStation Store from October 29th!
— Sackboy: A Big Adventure | LittleBigPlanet (@LittleBigPlanet) October 25, 2021