ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove receberá atualização “Still in the Groove”
A HumaNature Studios anunciou que ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove receberá uma grande atualização em breve no PS4, Xbox One e Switch. Já disponível para PC, o update se chama “Still in the Groove” e oferece diversas novidades.
Entre elas estão novos mapas maiores do Fixed World (mundo fixo), mudanças nos compartamentos dos terráqueos, Power Hats escondidos pelo mapa e mais.
Abaixo você confere os patch notes completos com todas as mudanças. A atualização ainda não possui uma data de lançamento nos consoles.
[Map Changes]
All new Fixed World with much larger maps
Removed the smaller maps that would appear on Level 8 and Level 19 in Fixed/Random/Endless Worlds (these smaller maps still appear in Extreme as a ‘pit stop’ to farm up)
[Earthling Changes]
Reduced Earthling density by ~50% across all levels in Fixed/Random Worlds
Reduced Bush/Tree density by ~40% across all levels in Fixed/Random Worlds
Reduced Earthling speed and notice range
Earthlings now have a random chance of dropping aggro if a player is under water
Increase chance of Earthlings dropping aggro if the player gets too far
Earthlings will now chase you to the edge of the map and edges of water/ice
Earthlings can now walk down revealed secret paths
Mailbox Monsters will stay off secret paths
Man In Black will no longer chase if you have no presents
Fix Ghandi not providing his safety if another Ghandi was nearby
Various fixes for Earthling pathfinding in Networked games
[Power Hat Changes]
Power Hats will no longer be automatically gifted to players when stepping off the Elevator
Power Hats must be found on the level by searching bushes and trees
Power Hats sparkle while hiding
Power Hats will fly around like flying presents when found, they will land after a short time
Power Hats now provide 100XP when picked up
Power Hat weights adjusted to make some hats more rare and some more common
Removed hitbox offset while wearing Hat of Sure Walking
Ship Pieces now reward correct XP when picked up
Remove level cap on presents in all modes. (This means you can find ALL presents from the beginning of the game)
Button/Coin Meter chains are maximum 4 presses
Speed up animation when pressing button/feeding coin meter
Removed forcing the player into position when feeding Coin Meters/pressing Buttons
Removed forcing the player into position when speaking to a friendly Earthling
Adjustments to camera while falling down levels
Present timer now pauses when falling
All inputs disabled while falling (prevents players opening presents and teleporting)
Added XP Notification to bottom left of HUD
Adjusted XP Bar Colors to hopefully be more noticeable to new players
Removed multiplayer only presents from showing in single player games
Many under the hood improvements to memory usage
Speed up Elevator streaming to next level
Fix movies not playing on Linux version
Fix No Ship Piece on Level 25 in rare cases
Fix issue where players could go beyond Level 25 when an Endless save was active
Fix everything bunched up on Funkotron in Endless
Fix Lamont showing up on Level 28 of Endless
Fix Sushi not always providing heal
Fix Torch breaking present timer
Fix PlayerStates (like Cupid effect) breaking present timer
Fix ‘Jump To’ invulnerability exploit
Fix Elf spawning infinitely from a bush
Fix FPS Cap not remembering every time you load the game