Sifu recebe atualização com opções de dificuldade, Training Mode e mais; trailers e patch notes
Como prometido, a grande atualização de Sifu está disponível no PS5 e PS4. O patch 1.009 traz opções de dificuldade, adicionando um modo fácil e um modo difícil.
A atualização também adiciona um Training Mode avançado (que deve ser uma grande ajuda para se familiarizar com certos combos e movimentos), bem como a capacidade de mudar a roupa do seu personagem. O patch pesa em torno de 3,5 GB.
Veja abaixo dois trailers destacando as novidades e os patch notes na íntegra.
Sifu Update 1.009 Patch Notes
Design – Outfits:
- Added an interactive wardrobe in the Wuguan for Outfit selection
- Added 3 new outfits with unlock conditions
Design – Training room:
- Added most of the in-game enemies types :
When you fight and defeat any enemy, you unlock them in the training room, allowing you to train and fight against advanced archetypes and the bosses.
- Added the possibility to fight multiple enemies at once.
- Added the possibility to redo the tutorial.
Design – Difficulty Settings:
Student Difficulty (Easy Mode) :
- More life and structure for the Main Character
- Enemies are less aggressive
- Enemies are less reactive in defense
- Simplified patterns for various archetypes and bosses
- The Death Counter cannot beyond 1
- Better shrine rewards
Disciple Difficulty (Normal Mode) :
- The original Sifu experience
Master Difficulty (Hard Mode) :
- Less life and structure for the Main Character
- More life and structure for various enemies
- Enemies are more aggressive
- Enemies are more reactive in defense
- New patterns for bosses
Design – Hotfixes:
- Fixed the Juggernaut ability to retaliate while defending
- Quicker post parry follow-up with various weapons
- The camera is further away when surrounded by enemies during takedowns and focus
- Fixed issues with 21/9 display screens
- Fixed video looping issue on PS5
- Various rendering fixes for low quality mode
- Fixed some streaming issues
- Fixed some minor texturing issues for Yang’s 3D models
- Add a “Dark Mode” display option to switch between light and dark backgrounds in the -menus, light backgrounds are now slightly less bright
- Popups now warn you more clearly about important choices
- More discreet XP box in HUD
- Clearer feedback when a focus bar is full
- Various keyboard inputs display fixes
Sound design:
- Audio output format selection
- Fix some unwanted behaviour on surround audio systems