Capcom corrige bug de Rashid e outros problemas em Street Fighter 6
A Capcom anunciou que já corrigiu o bug do Super Lv. 2 de Rashid em Street Fighter 6.
#StreetFighter6 emergency maintenance has finished as of 3:00am PDT/11:00 BST, and the Rashid Ysaar and JP Embrace move issues have been fixed.
Thanks again for your patience and enjoy the game!
— Street Fighter (@StreetFighter) July 25, 2023
Além disso, usuários que estavam com problemas com o sistema de aluguel de personagem também não devem encontrar erros. Por fim, jogadores que não receberam o traje 2 de Rashid mesmo alcançando o objetivo no World Tour podem encontrar o conteúdo nos avisos in-game.
This Rental Fighter ticket issue has now been fixed. Also, players who did not receive Rashid's Outfit2 in World Tour mode despite fulfilling the unlock conditions have now been granted that content and can receive it from the in-game news screen.
— Street Fighter (@StreetFighter) July 25, 2023
Street Fighter 6 está disponível para PS4, PS5, Xbox Series e PC.