[Atualizado] Alatreon será adicionado a Monster Hunter World: Iceborne em maio; trailer e detalhes da próxima atualização

A Capcom divulgou um novo trailer da quarta atualização de Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, que chega em maio, e que adiciona o monstro Alatreon. Além disso, forneceu diversos detalhes da terceira atualização (chega em 23 de março) e um diário de desenvolvedor.
O diário traz informações de Raging Brachydios, Furious Rajang, armas por camada, evento in-game Full Bloom e, é claro, Alatreon.
Title Update 3 (Version 13.00)
Main Additions / Changes
- General
- Raging Brachydios has been added.
- Furious Rajang has been added.
- (Both monsters will appear in new special assignments after finishing the main story of Iceborne and unlocking the tundra region in the Guiding Lands.)
- System
- Added an item that forces a monster to leave the Guiding Lands.
- Raised the maximum level cap for master rank armor upgrades.
- Added an augmentation feature that lets you customize the look of your weapon.
- Added an option to the Steamworks that lets you change the Steamworks’ output.
- Applied a change to the Steamworks that lets you activate the auto mode after sending the Steamworks into Overdrive.
- New decor can now be placed in your room in Seliana.
- New BGM can now be played in your room in Seliana.
- Added new designs for the Squad Card.
- New Pendants added.
- Applied a change that lets you receive Hunter Helper Rewards from master rank quests.
- Miscellaneous
- Added the following charms: Fury Charm V, Power Charm V, Mighty Charm III, Challenger Charm V.
- You can now collect item rewards on the round just before a Steamworks overdrive.
Bug Fixes and Balance Adjustments
- Base / Facility
- Fixed an issue where the options “Take All” and “Sell All” were reversed when the items prepared via oven roast totaled 9999 in your item box.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, abilities wouldn’t rotate when storing potential for awakened weapons.
- Fixed an issue where the great sword ‘Empress Galea “Styx”‘ would be ordered incorrectly when sorting.
- Fixed an issue where numerical values would not correctly display in the Steamworks results screen.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, an error would occur when joining a squad Online Session using the Online Session ID.
- Fixed an issue where, after taking certain steps, a posted quest could not be found in a search.
- Fixed the description text of some music player songs.
- Fixed an issue where the Beetle Ticket could not be used as a material to meld items.
- Fixed an issue where Ruiner Nergigante would be displayed in the Guiding Lands monster list, even though the conditions for it to appear haven’t been fulfilled.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, an armor’s abilities would not be correctly reflected in the hunter’s status while augmenting the armor.
- Fixed an issue where the color of Dober β Layered Legs would not display properly after changing the color.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, an error would occur when entering your own room.
- Fixed an issue where guest players would become unable to move if they were removed from the Gathering Hub at certain times.
- Updated the tutorial for additional features of the squad to explain that subleaders can invite other players to the squad.
- Fixed an issue where even before you reach Seliana, the recruitment message “Let’s hang out in my room!” would be available as an option.
- Fixed an issue where some Palico weapons would appear in an unnatural spot when sorting by rank.
- Fixed an issue where when joining another player’s quest, if the quest host cancels the quest at a specific time, the name of the previously completed quest and not the quest that you joined would be displayed.
- Fixed an issue where a weapon from The Witcher weapon tree would not appear when placed on the equipment display.
- Fixed an issue where there would be a disparity between the Safi’jiiva siege result screen and the information displayed at the quest counter.
- Fixed an issue where the chat recipient could not be changed after entering a loading screen with the chat window open.
- Fixed an issue where the items created from the oven roast would not roll correctly.
- Fixed an issue where you could not leave the mini-canteen at camp if the mini-canteen menu and the quest complete notice appeared on the same exact frame.
- Updated the description text for the Chrome Halberd III gunlance.
- Updated the description text for loading Wyrmstake Blast, found in the weapon control section of the hunter notes.
- Monsters
- Fixed an issue where Raider Ride monsters would get stuck on a wall when jumping from a certain position.
- Fixed an issue where Safi’jiiva’s behavior would become unnatural on slanted terrain.
- Fixed an issue where a player would be afflicted with an abnormal status or blight when using the lance’s counter-thrust or counter claw against Gold Rathian’s somersault, Kirin’s lighting strike, or Fulgur Anjanath’s mucus attack.
- Fixed an issue where rewards for breaking parts would not be rewarded when breaking Black Diablos’ back.
- Fixed an issue where Safi’jiiva would not transition areas normally.Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, the appearance and fleshiness of Nergigante’s tail would not be consistent after it had been severed.
- Fixed an issue where in multi-monster challenge quests, the second monster would not appear and the quest would be complete.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, Ruiner Nergigante would appear outside an area of the Guiding Lands.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, a monster would not become enraged.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, Velkhana’s ice wall would not break down after it was slayed.
- Fixed an issue where an enraged Yian Garuga could avoid pitfall traps even if the conditions for trapping it are met.
- Fixed an issue where monsters would sometimes behave unintentionally when near Boaboa.
- Fixed multiple issues related to sound effects and visual effects that displayed within the player’s tent when Safi’jiiva is in the lowest level of the Secluded Valley.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, Rajang would still perform its pinning attack, even if it had not successfully landed it.
- Fixed a game-stopping bug that occurred in the Guiding Lands when performing a flinch shot on a Rathalos that is transitioning areas.
- Tweaked to make monster staggers longer when a player uses the clutch claw on a staggered monster in an area where the player cannot enter.
- Fixed an issue where a Kelbi would sometimes act erratically after it had its horns broken off.
- Player
- Mitigated conditions that made it harder to land the long sword’s spirit helm breaker under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where the Handicraft skill would not trigger at the start of a quest.
- Fixed an issue where the Final Fantasy XIV Jump gesture would be unintentionally deleted from the shortcut of an item loadout.
- Fixed an issue where during multiplayer, the other players’ mantle effect time would not be synchronized correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Oolong male head armor would not display in certain cutscenes viewed from the gallery when the full Oolong armor set is equipped.
- Fixed an issue where the extract bonuses to the Flinch Free skill would be carried over when switching from the Insect Glaive to another weapon.
- Increased the element level of the Elscarad and Arginesse kinsects.
- Fixed an issue where if the player attached the Melynx Teddy pendant to the Adept Stormslinger and started walking, the pendant would become shaky and trembly.
- Fixed an issue where some light would become hidden when applying layered armor from your loadout.
- Fixed an issue where Critical Draw would be applied to the long sword’s Spirit Blade I when going from Iai Slash to Spirit Blade I.Fixed an issue where the skill
- Fixed an issue that caused unnatural behavior when loading the slinger after performing a forward dodge with the sword & shield drawn.
- Fixed an issue where Kaiser Crown β+’s hair color would change when switching from Oolong Hair α+ to Kaiser Crown β+ using specific steps.
- Fixed an issue where ammo would behave unnaturally when the bowgun’s pierce ammo would hit using certain shooting methods.
- Mitigated an issue where if a Zero Sum Discharge connects on certain monsters, the player’s grapple point would be unnatural.
- Fixed an issue where when the player is wearing Brigade Layered Arms, the armband would overlap with the equipped layered armor on the torso.
- Fixed an issue where if the player equips Kaiser Crown α/γ with hairstyle 8-2 and performs actions such as running, the front bangs will float or become detached from the armor and would not correct itself.
- Miscellaneous
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, squad info would be unintentionally deleted.
- Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, entering the tent would cause the Palico to face in the opposite direction.
- Fixed an issue where certain tracks would not display in the Guiding Lands.
- Fixed an issue where certain timing would cause a communication error, which would result in monsters not appearing in the Guiding Lands or in cutscenes based in the Guiding Lands.
- Fixed an issue where signs of desync would occur in the Guiding Lands when joining a session without a host.
- Fixed an issue where players could designate a snowball as a destination for a raider ride in an area that they can’t access.
- Fixed an issue where the Handler would go back to her default costume after resetting the game, even if the player changes the settings to Locked.
- Other minute game balance tweaks and minor bugs fixes have been made.
Atualização: veja o press release da Capcom com mais informações da atualização que chega amanhã, 24 de março.
Novos Desafiantes
Somente os caçadores mais corajosos conseguem contra-atacar Rajang quando ele está no estado dourado. Sua variante, o Rajang Furioso, canaliza esse ódio profundo para melhorar ainda mais seus ataques. Com esse envoltório dourado faiscante, cada encontro com esse predador é uma questão de vida ou morte. Rajang Furioso tem um ataque imobilizante devastador, além de novos ataques de média e longa distância, então nenhuma distância é segura. Como ele também tem menos pontos fracos, os caçadores terão que usar a cabeça.
A variante Brachydios Colérico traz mudanças explosivas e uma cobertura de gosma volátil em várias partes de seu corpo. Os caçadores podem fazer essa gosma cair ao atacar partes específicas do corpo, mas devem estar preparados para evitar uma explosão bem ampla quando a gosma atinge o chão. Essa versão bombada do monstro clássico ainda aprisiona os caçadores em uma arena fechada de onde não é possível escapar.
Os caçadores que tiverem bravura suficiente para encarar esses monstros serão recompensados com materiais para forjar novos itens de Amigatos, armas, armaduras com novos bônus de conjunto e pingentes decorativos.
Armas em Camadas, Melhorias na Ajuda a Caçadores e Mais
A Atualização de Jogo 3 também introduz armas em camadas, que permitem alterar a aparência das armas sem modificar seus atributos. A primeira rodada de armas em camadas já está disponível, e permite que os jogadores personalizem as armas melhoradas que possuam uma base e partes claras. Depois, em abril, as armas com design único se juntarão à lista de armas em camadas.
O recurso de Ajuda a Caçadores também recebeu melhorias, com recompensas monetárias aumentadas ao se ajudar caçadores com Ranque Mestre menor, e melhor frequência de queda de itens em diversos tipos de missão. Auxiliar caçadores em Serviços agora pode conceder decorações raras via Pedras Feéricas Talhadas, enquanto outras missões normais podem conceder Esferas de Armadura Régia para melhorar armaduras. Agora que as armaduras de raridade 12 podem ser melhoradas até o nível 20, essas esferas são bem úteis.
Os que gostam de passear pelas Terras-Guias agora terão acesso a um novo recurso: o item Bola de Banimento. Agora o líder do grupo pode forçar um monstro a deixar a região imediatamente, caso não o queiram enfrentá-lo.
Os caçadores que estiverem relaxando entre as missões têm novas opções de DLC pago para Seu Quarto, incluindo novos bonecos de monstros, opções de música e decoração. Os fashionistas também têm motivos para comemorar, pois todos os penteados dos NPCs de World agora estão disponíveis como parte de um pacote gratuito de customização de personagem. Isso combinado aos novos DLCs pagos de conjuntos de pingentes e adesivos significa que os caçadores têm ainda mais opções para criar um estilo único.
Novo Evento Sazonal
Um dia depois da chegada da Atualização de Jogo 3 para os jogadores de PC em 8 de abril, ambas as comunidades de PC e consoles irão celebrar o novo evento sazonal de Seliana, o Festival Florescente, e as atualizações de conteúdo serão simultâneas para todas as plataformas daí em diante! Toda a base vai abraçar o espírito floral, com nova decoração da Área de Encontro, novas refeições na cantina, uma nova roupa de Poogie, itens de Amigato sazonais, pingentes, roupa sazonal paga para a Assistente e novas opções para os cartões de guilda. Durante o Festival Florescente, os bônus de login e as caçadas limitadas concederão bilhetes para forjar a elegante armadura de evento, sem contar as novas missões de evento que fornecem materiais para um capacete em camadas baseado na rara criatura endêmica Saracura Plumosa, e um par de Duplas-Lâminas de Peixe-amola.
Atualizações Futuras
Em abril, os caçadores terão ainda mais desafios a superar com a chegada da versão de Ranque Mestre do cintilante Kulve Taroth e o surgimento da versão arquiaguerrida de Namielle. A nova Missão de Evento de Kulve Taroth é uma caçada para grupos de quatro caçadores que concede materiais para elevar ao Ranque Mestre as armas conquistadas na versão de Cerco do monstro no Ranque Elevado. E os caçadores serão colocados à prova com a chegada iminente da calamidade natural conhecida como Alatreon. Mais informações sobre esse Dragão Ancião em breve.