NotíciasPlayStation 5

Alan Wake 2 recebe atualização com alguns consertos; patch notes

O patch mais recente para Alan Wake 2 está disponível com alguns consertos.

O update corrige principalmente erros que surgiram com o New Game+.

Confira os patch notes na íntegra a seguir (via site oficial).

Patch Notes de Alan Wake 2

PlayStation 5 (1.00.14)
Xbox Series (
PC (1.0.14) 


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to pick up inventory capacity upgrades as Saga at Cauldron Lake shore and at the Bright Fall’s fishing pier.

New Game Plus

  • Removed duplicate Charms from the player’s inventory.
  • Prevent players from getting duplicate Charms.
  • New Game Plus now tracks players unlocks from all the previous games, not just from the first playthrough.
    • If you already have unlocked New Game Plus, you need to load any checkpoint from a non-New Game Plus session before starting a New Game Plus.
    • Note: You also need to start a completely fresh New Game Plus save file for the unlocks to take effect, after loading in an old checkpoint from a non-New Game Plus session.
  • Stubborn “Bright Falls” manuscript page in the bunker forest shack has been taught some manners and is now ready to be picked up by the players.

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