NotíciasPlayStation 4

Bônus de pré-venda são oferecidos a todos os jogadores de Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

A Respawn Entertainment e a Electronic Arts liberaram uma atualização para Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order que basicamente oferece acesso a todos os bônus de pré-venda do jogo.

Os bônus de pré-venda eram:

  • Cor de lâmina de sabre de luz laranja
  • Dois conjuntos de personalização cosmética de sabre de luz
  • Visual cosmético do BD-1

Também está incluso como bônus uma skin dourada Squadron Stinger da nave Mantis.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

A atualização, além dos bônus, oferece diversos consertos como colisão em Ilum, os caçadores ficarem travados em Zeffo, Photo Mode não explodirá os foguetes e mais. Veja os patch notes na íntegra logo abaixo.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order  – January 15 update

Fixes & Improvements
  • Fixed an issue where Bounty Hunters would sometimes get stuck in Zeffo.

  • Not only was the Photomode camera able to explode rockets, but it could also interact with trigger volumes within the levels that could potentially break the game. This was fixed to ensure that you can continue playing the game after using Photomode. Unfortunately, this also means that rockets will be unaffected by the camera moving forward.

  • There was a bug that was causing one of the elevators in the last level to have a tendency of disappearing. It should now be present at all times.
  • We’ve improved collision on Ilum.

  • Our language translations have been updated.

  • There was an issue where some text was overlapping in Photomode for specific screen ratios. That has been fixed.

  • The Albino Wyyyschokk tactical guide entry wasn’t appearing for all users, this should now be fixed.

  • We’ve fixed Gorgara having a tendency to disappear at specific times on Dathomir.

  • Pre-order content has now been unlocked for all players. This content includes:

    • Orange Lightsaber Blade Color

    • Mygeeto Campaign Lightsaber Hilt

    • Umbaran Campaign Lightsaber Hilt

    • Bee-D-1 Skin

    • Gold Squadron Stinger Mantis Skin

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