Square Enix anuncia figuras Play Arts Kai de Red XIII, Rufus e Jessie de Final Fantasy VII Remake; mais
A Square Enix anunciou três novas figuras da linha Play Arts Kai de Final Fantasy VII Remake. No caso, são de Red XIII, Rufus e Jessie.
A figura de Jessie possui três sets distintos: sozinha, com a moto e um outro pacote que vem ela, a moto e Cloud. O lançamento previsto desses sets é abril, maio e junho de 2022, respectivamente. Enquanto isso, Red XIII chegará em fevereiro de 2022 e Rufus em janeiro de 2022.
Para mais detalhes, visite os links indicados nos tweets a seguir.
Jessie Rasberry's joining the Play Arts Kai line in style!
She's included in each of the three sets below, so pre-order yours by June 20th to get 10% off.
Jessie: https://t.co/6T0cMVa31h
Jessie+Motorcycle: https://t.co/rwZhLNlGpH
Jessie+Cloud+Motorcycle: https://t.co/uDNmu1OOjO pic.twitter.com/Vl5JarODiY— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) June 15, 2021
We've recreated Red XIII and Rufus Shinra in Play Arts Kai form!
Pre-order your figures by June 20th to get 10% off each one.
Red XIII: https://t.co/F2M2BV2Vmg
Rufus: https://t.co/sykeXoij1X pic.twitter.com/0gpl9PGoLC— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) June 15, 2021
Vale ressaltar que também estão previstas para janeiro de 2022 novas estátuas de 2B de NieR: Automata e do protagonista de NieR Replicant ver. 1.22474487139….
New @NieRGame Statuettes of 2B, 2B (2P color variant), and the NieR Adult Protagonist are available for Pre-Order now on the Square Enix Store!
2B: https://t.co/coIBETf0L6
2B 2P: https://t.co/OHkWwNRZUe
A. Protag: https://t.co/h5wLVIAvyV pic.twitter.com/GoV364Fkmh— Square Enix Merchandise (North America) (@SQEX_MD_NA) June 2, 2021