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Caso tenha perdido, leia a análise do PSX Brasil. LEGO Star Wars: A Saga Skywalker será lançado em 5 de abril para PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch e PC.
VGC – 5/5
Lego Star Wars – The Skywalker Saga is one of the best Star Wars games ever.
GamingTrend – 95/100
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga takes LEGO games to a new level; changing the way we’ll see LEGO games moving forward. With 300+ characters to unlock, 1000+ Kyber Bricks to collect, and 20+ planets to explore: there’s something for every fan in this Galaxy Far, Far Away.
Windows Central – 4/5
If you’re a fan of the Star Wars series you will love the humorous twist LEGO puts on your favorite characters from another Galaxy far far away. All nine movies are in the game and you can play any trilogy in any order. Plus, the game offers plenty of replay value to keep you entertained for hours.
Hey Poor Player – 90/100
The Skywalker Saga is a triumphant return to form for TT Games. Covering all nine big screen Episodes in one game has presented players with a Star Wars sandbox like no other. With meaningful developments in the gameplay department and a level of immersion that surpasses not only all LEGO games that have come before but all Star Wars games also, this is a title to treasure for Star Wars fans and lovers of collectathons alike.
NextGenBase – 9/10
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is an epic in every sense of the word. Full of content from the nine main Star Wars films as well as assorted spin offs and TV series, plenty of things to find and unlock and a Galaxy’s worth of familiar locations to explore, this is the ultimate Lego game. Tight to control, broad in scope and fun alone or with a friend, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga deserves a place in your 2022 game collection!
GameCentral – 9/10
A wonderfully enthusiastic love letter to Lego, Star Wars, and video games in general, that goes above and beyond the call of duty in terms of the scale of the adventure, the attention to detail, and the sheer volume of content.
Nintendo Life – 9/10
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a fantastic experience on Switch, a great big celebration of everything Star Wars that’s made the jump to Nintendo’s console in surprisingly fine form. The upgrades to the series’ core gameplay here – the combo-focused combat, flashy space battles, boss encounters, over-the-shoulder shooting action and cover system – all combine to make this the best LEGO Star Wars has ever felt to play. Throw in a humongous open world setting that’s bursting at the seams with secrets and collectibles and you’ve got an absolute smorgasbord of all things Star Wars to dig into. Turns out we were fools to think we could ever get tired of Jedis and lightsabers and the pew-pew-pew of flashy space guns.
DualShockers – 85/100
LEGO games have found a very unique niche in gaming and yet have still managed to continue to get better and better. Even though it likely will not change the minds of those who do not enjoy the LEGO series of games, the stellar presentation, humor, and overall joy found in these recreations of each movie make LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga one well worth picking up.
Press Start – 8.5/10
When the twin suns set on my time with LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, it was obvious to me that this production is lavished with love and worth every stud of its asking price. I’ve been around the block(s) with TT’s games for some 15 years now, and this is without a doubt the best thing they’ve ever snapped together. If you’re a gamer who’s young or young-at-heart-container, I’d be very surprised if this didn’t instantly click with you.
GameByte – 80/100
Altogether, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the best LEGO game I’ve played in years. It rightly innovates far beyond the standardised formula that this series has built over the years with some fresh ideas. With such strong source material, however, there are so many sequences that feel hung out to dry. Star Wars fans will find it to be a little undercooked as an adaptation.
IGN France – 80/100
A new step but not a revolution for the LEGO Games formula. The Skywalker Saga is certainly at the top of licensed video games by LEGO, and brings new ideas that are here to stay.
IGN – 8/10
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga provides some rollicking reimaginings of Star Wars’ most iconic moments and seats them inside a series of interplanetary playgrounds that are dense with discovery and entertaining diversions.
Game Informer – 8/10
Despite being periodically uneventful, the Skywalker Saga is a thorough and fun examination of all three Star Wars movie trilogies. It delivers the same sensation of being overwhelmed as opening a Blu-Ray collection of films and not knowing which one you should start with.
WCCF Tech – 8/10
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga sets its sights sky-high and largely does justice to that galaxy far, far away. Its truncated treatment of the movies occasionally disappoints, but charming, content-packed sandbox stages mostly make up for any story mission shortcomings. This blocky take on George Lucas’ family drama is worth enjoying with yours.
Push Square – 8/10
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a meaningful step forward, smartly evolving the gameplay without losing that fun-loving core.
Destructoid – 75/100
It’s a fun way to relive the films as an adult and show them to kids at the same time.